How to Start Scent Leaf Farming in Nigeria

How to Start Scent Leaf Farming in Nigeria

How to start Scent Leaf Farming in Nigeria: Scent leaf, scientifically known as Ocimum gratissimum, is a highly valued herb in Nigeria and has gained significant popularity due to its unique aroma and various health benefits.

Starting scent leaf farming can be a profitable venture, as the demand for the herb continues to grow both locally and internationally.

In this guide, we will provide a step-by-step explanation of how to start scent leaf farming in Nigeria.

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How to Start Scent Leaf Farming in Nigeria

Step 1: Research and Planning

Before diving into scent leaf farming, it is crucial to conduct thorough research and develop a well-structured plan. Familiarize yourself with the herb's growth requirements, potential markets, and the farming techniques best suited for its cultivation.

Step 2: Site Selection

Choose a suitable location for your scent leaf farm. Scent leaf thrives in tropical and subtropical regions with temperatures between 20°C and 30°C. The soil should be loamy, well-drained, and rich in organic matter. Ensure the site receives adequate sunlight and is protected from strong winds.

Step 3: Seed Selection and Sourcing

Obtain high-quality scent leaf seeds from reliable sources such as agricultural research institutes, reputable nurseries, or fellow farmers. Select seeds that are disease-free and exhibit good germination rates. It is advisable to choose improved varieties to enhance the quality and yield of your harvest.

Step 4: Nursery Establishment

Create a nursery to germinate the scent leaf seeds. Prepare raised seedbeds with a mixture of fertile soil and organic manure. Sow the seeds thinly and cover them with a thin layer of soil. Water regularly and protect the seedlings from direct sunlight until they develop 3-4 true leaves.

Step 5: Land Preparation and Planting

Prepare the main field by clearing weeds, tilling the soil, and incorporating organic matter. Scent leaf can be planted directly in the field or transplanted from the nursery. Spacing between plants should be approximately 30-45 cm apart to allow for proper growth and airflow.

Step 6: Crop Management

Implement proper crop management practices to ensure healthy growth and optimal yield. Regularly water the plants to maintain soil moisture, especially during dry periods. Mulching can be beneficial in conserving moisture and suppressing weed growth. Apply organic fertilizers or compost to provide essential nutrients to the plants.

Step 7: Pest and Disease Control

Monitor your scent leaf plants regularly for signs of pests and diseases such as aphids, caterpillars, and fungal infections. Implement integrated pest management strategies, including cultural practices, biological control methods, and judicious use of approved pesticides if necessary.

Step 8: Harvesting and Post-Harvest Handling

Scent leaf can be harvested approximately 8-12 weeks after planting, depending on the variety and desired leaf size. Selectively pluck the mature leaves and avoid damaging the stems or younger leaves. Proper post-harvest handling involves sorting, cleaning, and packaging the leaves carefully to maintain their freshness and quality.

Step 9: Marketing and Sales

Identify potential markets for your scent leaf produce, including local markets, restaurants, herbal medicine manufacturers, and exporters. Build relationships with buyers and establish a strong market presence. Consider value addition options such as drying, packaging, or processing scent leaf into essential oils or herbal products for higher profitability.


Starting a scent leaf farming venture in Nigeria can be a rewarding and lucrative endeavor. By following the steps outlined in this guide, you can establish a successful scent leaf farm and tap into the growing demand for this versatile herb.

Remember to prioritize research, proper site selection, and effective crop management practices to maximize your chances of success in scent leaf farming. With dedication and diligence, you can contribute to Nigeria's agricultural sector while reaping the financial benefits of scent leaf cultivation.
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